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MAJOR GEOTECH PLLC is a professional services company specializing in providing review and forensic geotechnical engineering services to the surface mining and pipeline industries.

Over 50 years of US and international experience in:

• Open pit slope design
• Pit slope optimization
• Mitigation of pit slope failures
• Review of geotechnical programs and slope designs
• Mitigation of geologic hazards for pipelines

Services provided include:

Independent Technical Reviews

◦ Independent reviews of geotechnical risks for assurance of Management or Board
◦ Reviews and audits of Ground Control Management Plans
◦ Operational reviews to support geotechnical programs and slope optimization
◦ Compliance reviews based on North American Standard of Care in pit slope development
◦ Development of slope optimization programs
◦ Geotechnical review boards for open pit mines

Open Pit Scoping Studies

◦ Scoping-level pit slope design recommendations based on available data
◦ Design of geotechnical program to support pre-feasibility studies

Forensic Evaluations

◦ Pit slope failures
◦ Pipeline ruptures or deformations due to geologic hazards